Fight the heat by staying in the city

Summer is the time for holidays. Those who can afford to go on vacation already know how and where to regenerate. The biggest problems are those who are forced to stay in the city. They have the thankless task of studying remedies to combat the heat. Don’t worry: there are some effective ones that can alleviate the pains for not traveling. How to fight the heat intelligently? We explain everything to you.

How to withstand the heat: the useful rules

Just follow a few simple rules to fight the heat without suffering too much. The most popular hot remedies are:

  • Drink at least 2.5 liters of water. Added to this advice is the opportunity to avoid carbonated drinks and abuse alcohol. Tea and coffee are fine, but only if consumed in moderation
  • Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. The first is mainly consumed between meals and helps to raise sugars, while for the second it is better to prefer large quantities during main meals. He also promoted centrifuges and fruit juices, possibly with few added sugars
  • Avoid excessive seasonings and fried dishes. The liver will be grateful, the sweating too. During this time of the year it is important to avoid raising the heart pressure excessively
  • Do not go out during the hottest hours: it is a particularly useful suggestion for the elderly and children, but it is a little bit valid for everyone. Between 10am and 5pm it is best to take shelter from the sun.
  • Use the fan and air conditioner in moderation: blessed are those who own them. If you fall into this category, it is important that the temperature in the house is not too lower than the outside one. The ideal is to keep it within 7-8 ° C less, but if it is 40 degrees outside, it can also be fine to bring the air conditioner to 25. Provided that any exit from the house is not sudden.

How to beat the heat while enjoying the city

However, staying walled up in the house is not the best choice. Mental and physical health are at stake. Why give up on open businesses just because it’s hot? When metropolises like Rome are empty, taking a tour of the deserted streets restores the spirit. Remedies to fight the heat by wandering around the city, perhaps avoiding going into a shopping center to benefit from its air conditioning, are:

  • Organize trips out of town
  • Visit villas or public parks
  • Attending open-air cinemas
  • Discover less known and uncrowded places

In this case it will be enough to combine the above advice, arm yourself with a spirit of enterprise and go out in the cooler hours. A city like Rome, for example, when emptied will enhance the beauty of its views and it will be well worth a walk in its alleys. If, on the other hand, you choose the historic center, we have the solution for you. The Colosseum tour with our Immersive Experience will give you an unmissable leap back into the unexplored Rome of 2000 years ago, thanks to our Virtual Reality. What are you waiting for to give yourself an afternoon of pure fun?